Satisfactory: New Computer Factory

The old one was looking a bit ugly...


Written by Josh Humphriss


Posted: 03 Mar 2023


Modified: 03 Mar 2023


2 min read




The old computer factory was pretty boxy and very unremarkable. It also stands in a very prominent position, making it always visible in screenshots. Therefore, it's important it looks good!

A picture of the old computer factory

(the old one)

Designing the Walls

It's clear that the walls need more depth. I've done various designs before, although I try to ensure that every factory is different from each other. I came across this video by Fluxo that outlined some techniques which inspired me to go for the design I did.

I first made the bottom section, planning to do something else with the top. However, I then realised that it can continue on quite nicely to give a striking design if used for all walls. The logistics layer in the middle does not use this technique.

A picture of the roof

Designing the Roof

The roof ended up fairly similar to many other factories, essentially just using a mix of concrete and asphalt with a bit of depth. It fit quite nicely and I couldn't think of anything more imaginative.

The Tower

However, after putting the concrete down the middle, I thought it would be cool to have a lookout tower in the middle!

A picture of the road inside the factory

You can drive in it...?

Previously, the factory was designed to be navigated by factory cart. I was about to change this to use conveyor belts, but I wanted to still keep it unique. Then, I had a brilliant idea. Make it drive-in! Now, you can drive all the way into the factory and all around it without even leaving your vehicle. Brilliant.

The roads turned out quite nicely - most of the time there was just the right amount of space to fit a bidirectional road. I added parking spaces wherever it wasn't appropriate to have a standard road. There are 2 ramps to enter and exit, at opposite corners of the factory.

More Pictures

That's it really. I'll leave you with some more pictures of it all. Note that I haven't had to change any layout of machines at all - that's all exactly the same.

(a new entrance)

(inside the factory)

(the power switch)

(an exit ramp)

(an unusual mini roundabout)

(view from the top, facing the centre)

(view from the top, facing the northern district + suburbs)

That's it...

...for now. If you want to see more pictures, I have some more on the gaming page.