Estimation Quiz

How good are you at estimating things?


Written by Josh Humphriss


Posted: 29 Sep 2024


Modified: 05 Oct 2024



How it works

You will be given a large number which you are not expected to know, and you need to estimate its value. You will get more points the closer you are to the true value. There are 3 points available per question.

Calculators are permitted. Estimating smaller quantities and then doing a lot of multiplication is a great strategy! However, you may not search up anything. Some questions will provide you with additional facts which you may find useful.

Big Numbers!

Some of these questions require you to answer very big numbers! In case you're unfamiliar with working with big numbers:

Be careful, some of these questions will ask you to answer in millions.

The Quiz

Question 1

What is the current world population? Give your answer in millions.

(Last Updated: August 2024)

million people

Question 2

What is the equatorial circumference of the moon in kilometers?

Useful Facts: 1.6 km = 1 mile, Circumference = 2𝜋 × Diameter.


Question 3

How many tennis balls are used during Wimbledon each year?

tennis balls

Question 4

How big is the world's largest IKEA (in square metres)?

Useful Facts: The average Tesco supermarket is approximately 4000 m²

Question 5

How many words are there in Shakespeare's longest play, Hamlet?


Question 6

What is the average temperature on the surface of the Earth, in degrees Celcius?

Useful Facts: Degrees in Celcius = (Degrees in Fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9


Question 7

How many atoms are there in the observable universe? Leave your answer in the form 10^x.

1 followed by zeroes

Question 8 [No Calculators]

What is the value of √2? You will get 1 point per decimal place, up to 3.

Calculators are not permitted for this question.

√2 =

Question 9

How many chickens are there in the world? Give your answer in millions.

million chickens

Question 10

How many YouTube videos are uploaded each day?


The Results

All done? When you're ready, click the button below to validate your answers and see how many points you get!