Homebrew BotC: In the Night Garden

A custom homebrew script themed around In the Night Garden.


Written by Josh Humphriss


Posted: 10 Jan 2025


Modified: 15 Jan 2025


14 min read



Blood on the Clocktower

Blood on the Clocktower is a social deduction game. If you don't know what it is:

  1. Read my review.
  2. Conclude that the game is worth buying.
  3. Buy the game.
  4. Obtain some friends to play with.
  5. Play the game.
  6. Return to this article to find out about my script.

Alternatively, either:


Most scripts have a particular theme. For example, Trouble Brewing is designed to be simple. Bad Moon Rising focuses on death & chaos. Sects & Violets is a complex puzzle. My script wasn't designed with any particular goal from the beginning, however it has developed into something that takes the complexity from Sects & Violets and combines it with the chaos of Bad Moon Rising. It's a very complex script, and focuses more on making everyone as confused as possible over being perfectly balanced.

A few observations:

The Script

The script is available as a PDF download here. The first two pages should be printed double-sided and handed to players. You should have a copy of the next two pages and another one or two for your players - this contains the night order and any additional details about characters that people might need to know.

The rest of this article will give more details about each character, including how they work and the development process.


Fabled characters are storyteller abilities that are always in play. They effectively act as game modifiers.

Spirit of Ivory

There can't be more than 1 evil player.
Affected Characters: Ninky Nonk, Upsy Daisy's Bed

The Spirit of Ivory ensures that evil do not obtain a majority. Further discussion can be found with the Ninky Nonk. Be careful when adding the Ninky Nonk with an evil Upsy Daisy's Bed as it may be too powerful having a Ninky Nonk without the drawback of potentially turning evil.

Extra Abilities


Characters: Unn, Ooo, Eee
Ability belonging to each Tombliboo: Other Tombliboos are safe from the Demon.
General ability: Tombliboos do not count towards the evil win condition.

Tombliboos protect each other from the Demon (but not themselves). This is affected by droisoning, so be careful! As a drawback, the Demon can ignore the Tombliboos for their win condition.



Unn (Tombliboo)

Minions know you are in play. If you successfully complete the Tombliboo song on your first day & the Minions don’t guess you, learn some true statements, but if they guess who you are, at least one is false. Other players who do any of these actions may die tonight.

Doing the Tombliboo song consists of three parts:

The storyteller doesn’t need to see these, but please let them know (truthfully) if you did it or not. Visit the storyteller in private on day 2 to learn the statements (unless they were written down in the night).

Unn is busy playing their own game trying to discreetly do various actions without the minion(s) noticing. If they can pull it off, they'll receive some powerful information chosen by the Storyteller. Like the puzzlemaster, if they fail then at least one of the statements will be false.

I love characters that have a game-inside-a-game. A bit like the Damsel and Huntsman, Unn and the Minions are playing their own game in the first day while the rest of the town are completely unaware. Pulling off something like this is also really fun - it sounds difficult, but when everyone is distracted by the rest of the game, it becomes easier than you might think. The reward for this got changed a few times, from learning who the Demon is to learning it's 1 of 2 players, before it was eventually left vague so that the Storyteller can have the most control in balancing it.

The wording for this character has gone from being very long to manageable with a reluctant change to move some of the important wording onto the sheet with the Jinx's. This makes the script much easier to follow, but does go against the design philosophy of the game.

The Tombliboo song was ideal for this, giving 3 actions

How to run:


Ooo (Tombliboo)

You start knowing Oliver’s character. If Oliver is evil, learn a good character (Oliver learns which). If you are Oliver, choose a player: learn their character.

If Oliver is not playing, or if there are multiple Olivers, a player will be decided to be Oliver for this game.

This was very much made for our group in particular. It's designed so that Oliver has an advantage!

How to run:


Makka Pakka & Co.

Makka Pakka: Each night, choose a player: you learn their alignment. If you publicly clean a rock or make a funny noise, you lose your ability.

Makka Pakka's Rock: You think you’re Makka Pakka. If you publicly clean a rock, all players learn which team the Storyteller thinks is winning. If you make a funny noise, you lose your ability.

Makka Pakka's Rock: You think you’re Makka Pakka. If you publicly make a funny noise, Upsy Daisy is drunk for 2 days (inflating skirt is optional). If you clean a rock, lose this ability. [+ Upsy Daisy].

I made this before the Village Idiot! I promise...

Following a similar premise to the Village Idiot, if you receive the "Makka Pakka" token, you may be one of three characters and it's your job to figure out which one. If you're the real Makka Pakka, you get incredibly powerful information about player alignments. If you're the rock, you can get yourself hard-confirmed along with some General information thrown in. If you're the trumpet, you know the Demon type and can drunk them for 2 days, buying the good team some more time! But there's a tradeoff - once you have a guess at who you are, you stop receiving the alignment information, which could potentially be very powerful.

For maximum fun, you should get a rock from outside at the beginning of the game. Funny noises can be anything, but they should be funny. However, the only thing that actually matters for gameplay is that the Storyteller notices and announces this to the group - it is mechanically equivalent to standing up and saying "I think that I'm Makka Pakka's Trumpet".

Making a funny noise and Upsy Daisy inflating her skirt is a reference to Series 1 episode 5: "Makka Pakka's Trumpet Makes a Funny Noise".
